Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jane's plan to steal Alice in Wonderland for her Birthday Party

Jane loves Alice

Sweet Jane woke up on her birthday and eagerly described for me what she wanted for her birthday party. 

Turns out I need to devise a plan to steal Alice in Wonderland from Disneyland to come to Utah for her party....hilarious! Here is how Jane thinks it should be done...

UPDATE! ALICE REPLIED TO JANE! Click this to see the video!

...from our Disney trip last December...
She was so intrigued by the Mad Hatter
Didn't really dig the queen...
He is so silly, mama!


  1. "Then drop her down..." Oh my. Who is carrying Alice that whole way??!! I love it. She's too stinkin cute Jana!

  2. Vinny even laughed!!!! Such a smart girl and cutie! Devising kidnapping plans at such a young age is an accomplishment :)

  3. UPDATE! The REAL Alice replies to Jane!



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